Saturday, November 10, 2012

More Movement!

Last night I felt the baby move from the outside. I've occasionally thought that I've been able to feel movement from the outside before, but I couldn't be sure. The relativity of touch is kind of abstract for me. It's like when you are tapping your fingers together -- you can't necessarily tell what sensation is the feeling of touching something and what sensation is the feeling of being touched . . . because it's all you. That's how I'd been feeling with the baby -- it was kind of like, "Well, I just felt something and I know it happened right here in this spot on my belly where my hand happens to be resting. But I'm not sure whether my hand felt it or my belly felt it."

But last night it was definite. I was on my computer and I had my hand resting on the right side of the belly. When I felt the kick, it was really definite. I felt it in my hand perhaps even more than in my belly. It happened once, then again, and then a third time. I felt kind of frozen and unsure of what to do next. Bambin@'s kicks usually seem totally random and unexpected. I've never been in a situation where it's happened in succession like that. I tried not to move around too much and called out to Ben that if he came right away, there was a chance he might feel the baby kicking. He came hurrying in and put a hand on my belly, but of course it didn't happen again. :-(

Can't wait to be able to share it with him. With any luck, Bambin@ will cooperate next time!

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