Monday, November 12, 2012

Why, baby, why?

I still have no conclusions on what the 7th stage of morning sickness is for me. Up until this morning, I would have said that it was looking like "relief" but now it's feeling like "despondence." Yesterday, I was cautiously celebrating 3 weeks of being vomit-free (since 6 weeks of pregnancy, my longest vomit-free streak had previously been 4 days, I think). I was still nauseated from time to time, but I had successfully avoided losing my cookies for quite awhile.

But then a few hours ago I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I needed to puke. I went downstairs to try to grab a snack to keep it at bay, but found myself clutching the toilet bowl before I'd downed even three bites of my applesauce. This has been going on for about 3 hours now. Zofran has not helped (at least, not that I've been able to tell), eating food has made it worse, drinking fluids has made it worse.  I've even given up on trying to lie down again, as it has had negative outcomes every time I start to get into any kind of semi-prone position. Tired as I am, I don't want to throw up again. So what is there left to do while I wait for my next bolt to the bathroom? I've already spent the last few "in-between times" writing my lesson plans and sending them off to my principal. Now all I can think to do is blog.

But my battery is dying, so I'm just going to post.

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