Sunday, September 9, 2012


This is our blog, where we intend to record our experiences with pregnancy and family life. This is an intense and exciting time for us and we've only just begun to feel like it's "real." Our first few posts will be thematic posts based on our experiences so far in the first trimester. 

But first! A few details about the pregnancy: 

Due Date: 3/16/2013 This may be changed. According to our only ultrasound up until this point, it could be more like 3/11/2013. But either way, it's "sometime in March" and I'm sure the baby will come on it's own timeline regardless of the calendar. 

Baby's Sex: Currently planning to not find out until birth. We'll probably write more about that later. 

Actually, those are the only two questions that we tend to receive right away after the announcement. So we'll save other details for future posts. 


  1. Arden! I'm so happy for you guys and I just wanted to say that waiting to find out the sex is such an amazing moment. I'm definitely going to be following your blog and i can't wait to hear how things go and the interesting things that happen to you during pregnancy. Miss you and hope all is well!

    1. Oh Amie, that means so much to me! I miss you too and I'm so excited to share this experience with you. Your kiddo is pretty adorable from the Facebook photos. It's good to hear of yet another person in our generation who waited to find out the sex. I'm starting to realize that it's not as rare as I had thought it was.

  2. It's just such an intense moment when you have your little one and they say its a... I don't think I've ever felt so much overwhelming emotion! You're going to make such a good mommy :)
